For more details or to arrange an appointment please contact us by phone, email or by using the form below. Once submitted we will respond within 2 working days, please be sure to check any junk folders as replies to you can be filtered to here.

Birmingham Address
The Well
89 Institute Rd
B14 7EU

Coventry Address
Park Road Counselling Centre
31 Park Rd

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday.....9:00am-4:00pm

Some appointments are available outside of these times - please request this when contacting us. Clinician's working hours vary, please discuss your specific requirements.

Please be aware that Barton Psychology Ltd cannot provide emergency assistance. The telephone number above operates Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm with a messaging service at other times or when clinicians are occupied. We will endeavour to answer your call within 2 working days.

In the event that you might be concerned for your own welfare or that of someone else please contact your GP or the local A&E service.

Other emergency details that may be helpful:


NHS 24/7



Telephone Number


116 123

0300 304 7000

Privacy Statement and General Data Protection Regulation (2018) Compliance

We will store personal and sensitive information which is relevant to our work together, and which will enhance your care. We protect your privacy and the security of your data by using only encrypted products for data storage and communication that are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).  Your rights under this legislation are observed and will be fully discussed with you prior to any work commencing.
For this reason we encourage you to limit the amount of personal information shared by text or email.
Barton Psychology Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ref number ZA154557).
The full privacy statement, including our use of electronic identifiers can be viewed here.

For more details or to arrange an appointment, please call us now on 0121 285 0771.